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Brown Bag Meal Program

Brown bag meals go to shelter guests who miss the scheduled meals or children who may not like the provided meal. Drop off is the second and third Wednesday of the month, 3:30-4:00pm in front of the St. Henry PMR.  This program is run by the St. Henry SVDP Conference.  It is important if you wish to participate, you can email Steve Brandell,, with the number of bags and date you wish to donate.


The meal consists of:

  • Hearty sandwich- ham, turkey or bologna, cheese optional, no condiments on sandwich.  Condiment packets are distributed at the shelter.  The sandwich should be at least two ounces of meat, as it could be the main meal of the day.

  • A salty treat and a sweet treat (chips, granola bar, etc.)

  • Piece of fruit or packet of sliced fruit

  • Small water or fruit juice packet

  • Napkin


We ask that brown bag meals be made in lots of 10 or 20.

Please staple the bag shut and write on it what date it was made.

Please place bags in a box deep enough to cover the bags for protection of the contents and easy transporting. 



Steve Brandell

Brown Bag Meal Program Coordinator

Jennifer Zwiers

Director of Care



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Our Lady of Good Hope  | (937) 866-1432

Office Hours: M, TH, F | 10:00 am-3:00 pm 

W | 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


St. Mary of the Assumption |  (937) 557-1711

Office Hours: M-F | 8:30 am - 1:00 pm


St. Henry |  (937) 434-9231

Office Hours: M-F | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bishop Leibold School | 937-434-9343


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