Need a way to put Christ's Love into Action by truly living out your faith?
Interested in meeting fellow Catholics who are passionate in caring for the needs of others?
Then check out one of our many Care Apostolates and Programs.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Zwiers, Director of Care, at
and she would be happy to connect you with a group of people who are radiating Christ's love into the world.
Letter from the Director of Care (September 2023)
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
My name is Jennifer Zwiers and it is a blessing and a privilege to be called by God to serve in the role of Director of Care for our St. John Paul II Family of Parishes. Care is in the core of our Catholic faith, our Catholic identity. We are called through Scriptures, Tradition, and Catholic Social Teaching, to be witnesses of Christ’s love to the world by being communities of charity and justice, serving those most in need through spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and working to change systems that oppress and marginalize. As the Director of Care, my role is to be the first and main parish contact for all care apostolates (ministries) and programs, a liaison assisting with any needs or concerns you may have in order for your apostolate or program to truly radiate Christ’s love for all to see and feel. This could consist of helping reserve meeting space, designing bulletin articles, creating and communicating opportunities for spiritual and corporal works of mercy, and collaborating with other apostolates on service projects or events. More ways include educating parishioners on what Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is and other issues surrounding charity and justice, providing opportunities for parishioners to develop relationships with one another and Jesus Christ, assisting with new care initiatives, advocating for the marginalized, and much more. In addition, I also have the administrative responsibilities of care apostolates that may be less visible to the parish at large, such as coordinating Masses at Nursing Homes & Facilities.
Care Apostolates & Programs
Care- Works of Mercy Apostolates
Accompany your fellow brothers and sisters during their time of loss and grief by:
Family Funeral Planning
Resurrection Choir
Funeral Mass Liturgical Minister
Assisting at Visitation
Assisting with Funeral Luncheon
A collaborative effort among Miamisburg churches to provide weekend food for children in need attending Miamisburg City Schools.
We assemble and provide 120 sack lunches every Wednesday to underpriviledged clients of "The New Vine" pantry in Franklin.
Make Brown Bag Meals for SVDP Homeless Shelter on the second and third Wednesdays of the month
Seeks to serve those suffering from addictions and unhealthy attachments by incorporating the 12 Steps with the Sacraments. Also provides a separate support group for family and friends.
Charity Begins at Home
More info coming soon!
Bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to attend church
Cookie Connection provides cookies and desserts for various parish events and meetings throughout the year
Find comfort and support as you grief the loss of a loved one while being accompanied by others who have gone through similar loss
Create awareness and advocate for an inclusive, barrier-free community in order for persons with disabilities to be able to actively and fully participate in all aspects of parish life
This monthly program asks parishioners to bake casseroles which are donated to the SVDP Homeless Shelter
A social and religous based organization for widowed Catholics
St. John Paul II Family offers Mass monthly or quarterly at several local nursing homes and facilities
Learn more about prayer, while also praying for each other and our parish community
Brings together parish family members who have special needs with parishioners who are willing to volunteer their service
Make blankets, which are blessed, and given to individuals who suffer physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually
Parishioners are invited to send their prayer requests, which are passed on through a “chain” made up of parishioners who pray for those requested intentions
We make rosaries for ministries and organizations who request them
Each summer, we provide help with school supplies for the coming school year for children in need
A quiet group of seven women who pray a Holy Hour one day a week for the pastor and/or parochial vicars
Care- St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)
A faith-based nonprofit that works with area families in need of emergency assistance with food, utilities, rent, etc. St. John Paul II Family is served by:
Need Assistance? Please click here
Care- Respect Life & Walking with Mom's in Need
Support the work of Elizabeth New Life Center through the Bottles for Babies Campaign in October at Our Lady of Good Hope
Our parish will undertake a yearlong process to assess, expand, and better communicate resources to pregnant moms and families in our local community.
Join us in praying the rosary outside the abortion facility on the First Friday of the month at 9am
Provides support and encouragement during a time that can leave you feeling confused and isolated, regardless of how recently or long ago you suffered a loss
Promote a culture of life from natural conception until natural death through education, prayer, legislation, and pastoral programs