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Catholic in Recovery

Incorporating the 12-Step Program with the Sacraments

Catholic in Recovery (CIR) seeks to serve those Catholics suffering and seeking recovery from: Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, Gambling, Food Addictions, Pornography, Sex Addictions, and Unhealthy Attachments.  We also host a separate support group for family and friends.

Recovery Meeting Schedule

Addiction Recovery Meeting........................Mondays at 7pm

12 Step Beginners.......................................First Monday of the Month at 6:15pm

Family & Friends Recovery.........................Mondays at 7pm

      All Meetings are held at St. Mary of the Assumption

Questions?  Please direct your confidential inquiries to:


To learn more, visit Use our bulletin articles and flyer to spread hope!


In what or whom do we place our hope?

   People?  Even best friends will sometimes let us down.  Good job?  Job security is elusive.  Stuff?  The newness fades rather quickly.


When feeling hopeless, where do we turn?

   Alcohol?  Drugs?  Food?  Gambling?  Pornography?


How long will we persist in our denial of these or other unhealthy attachments?  How much do we have to lose before seeking help?

   Our job?  Our home?  Our marriage?  Our family?  Our friends?


Some mistakenly refer to this point as reaching rock bottom. Left untreated, the only true rock bottom in addiction - is death.


âž  God wants to turn us away from a passing and unsatisfying world, towards Him!

âž  Our infinite longings can only be satisfied by His infinite love!!

âž  Through His son Jesus is where we find everlasting hope!!!


“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Heb 10:23)


We have to get real. We can’t wait for rock bottom. The perfect moment for confronting addiction is right now. The perfect time to rediscover hope is right now. So we humbly present this invitation to all Catholics seeking recovery from addiction.


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, we have launched a new ministry called Catholic in Recovery. Based on the book The Twelve Steps and the Sacraments by Scott Weeman, this program combines the successful 12 Step approach created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous with the Sacraments and traditions of the Catholic Church.


12 Step programs are self-help meetings where participants admit past mistakes, surrender to a “higher power” and learn to stay sober. Here’s what to expect:


Admitting one’s powerlessness and need for a savior is a central focus of Catholic in Recovery groups. From this foundation, we lean on our faithful understanding of Jesus Christ as our Higher Power. When we gather, we unite in prayer and discuss recovery topics as they relate to liturgical themes, Scripture from Sunday’s readings, and the Sacraments. As a result of consistent group meetings, members tend to stay accountable to each other, encourage personal growth, and are available in a time of need.


Personal accompaniment is at the essence of recovery. Uniting those that have found personal freedom from addiction (or the family consequences) with individuals seeking help establishes a foundation where Christian fellowship is at its best. We lean on each other in order to build upon our commitment to the Lord.


Freedom entails much more than abstaining from the source of our addiction or unhealthy attachment. We refrain from focusing on things outside of our control so that we may reflect upon our own behavior. Taking personal responsibility for the development of our spiritual lives compels us to rely on God and the Sacraments of the Church.


Addiction, like secondhand smoke, can also have a toxic effect on loved ones. Family members (and friends) may experience stress and fear when someone they care about is spiraling out of control. Catholic in Recovery includes a support group for those affected by another person’s addiction.


NOTE: Catholic in Recovery is not a replacement for but a supplement to existing 12 Step recovery programs.


Please direct your confidential inquiries to: Julie (


To learn more, visit Use our bulletin articles and flyer to spread hope!


Catholic in Recovery Coordinator

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Our Lady of Good Hope  | (937) 866-1432

Office Hours: M, TH, F | 10:00 am-3:00 pm 

W | 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


St. Mary of the Assumption |  (937) 557-1711

Office Hours: M-F | 8:30 am - 1:00 pm


St. Henry |  (937) 434-9231

Office Hours: M-F | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bishop Leibold School | 937-434-9343


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