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Grief Ministry

Remember, You Are Not Alone.

Our Parish Family, as well as other nearby parishes and organizations, are here to help you find comfort as you work through the complex and complicated feelings and stages of grief from any loss, including the loss of a loved one. 

"Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted."- Matthew 5:4

Grief Ministry: Grief Recovery Support

Our Saint John Paul II Parish Family offers a 5-week grief recovery support program directed to any adult who is expereincing grief from any loss, including the death of a loved one.  They will be using the Grieving with the Help of Your Catholic Faith book and other resources.

For more information, please contact: Vincent & Liza Bonanno ( or 937-470-2458)

Next Grief Recovery Support Program: TBD

Grief Recovery Program: Your Journey from Mourning to Glory

This program is open to adults who have suffered the loss of a loved one recently or at any time in their past.  This 13-week, 2 hours per week, seminar style program will be using the Griefshare program.  Registration is required and a small fee to cover the cost of your personal take-home guidebook.

Current Session: Wednesday mornings @ 10am-12pm, May 29th- Aug 21st

                             Incarnation Parish (7415 Far Hills Ave, Centerville OH 45459)

To Register: Contact Vicke Snyder at 937-266-8583 (not a texting number)


Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well


Liza & Vincent Bonanno

Grief Recovery Support Program Coordinators

Jennifer Zwiers

Director of Care



JPII Logo - one color - white.png
Our Lady of Good Hope  | (937) 866-1432

Office Hours: M, TH, F | 10:00 am-3:00 pm 

W | 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


St. Mary of the Assumption |  (937) 557-1711

Office Hours: M-F | 8:30 am - 1:00 pm


St. Henry |  (937) 434-9231

Office Hours: M-F | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bishop Leibold School | 937-434-9343


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