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We are one family

Our next phase of Beacons of Light. Over the next few weeks and months, you’re going to see and hear about a “canonical consolidation.” What’s that?


That is a decision the Archbishop will be asked to make, later this year, to create a new legal “corporation” called St. John Paul II Parish, formed by the consolidation of the existing “corporations” called Our Lady of Good Hope, Saint Mary of the Assumption, and Saint Henry.


Remember, this refers to the legal entities, not the buildings. Our three campuses are all valuable to our parishioners; we have a lot of activity at all three, and you’ve seen in the last year a great deal of attention being given to improvements at each campus. Long-term, our goal is to continue to find the money needed for ongoing maintenance and improvements. That’s the purpose of the “PPRRSM” (Provision for Plant Repair, Replacement, and Special Maintenance) fund that we’ve begun to build for the benefit of all our facilities.


Why do this? Because the reality is that our three, previously stand-alone parishes will be sharing priests for the foreseeable future; and keeping these as separate legal entities creates complications and headaches for the pastor, our staff, and many of our volunteers.


What’s next? Lots of communication about the process, the timeline, and what will and won’t change. For example: the names of our churches will NOT change. The level of activity at each campus will not change. Your ability to be involved as you wish will not change. What will change is some administrative realities that now consume most of my time, and the same for many others.


The Archbishop wants all our parishioners to be well informed about this and to give feedback. He knows a lot of information has been shared over the past 2-1/2 years, but now as this key transition approaches, it’s essential we take this moment to provide as complete a picture as we can. 


You will hear a lot from Fr. Chris during this time. At my request, he’s organizing this whole process; and he is drawing on his, and Father Howard’s, knowledge of church law to ensure this journey is smooth and successful. 


Mark your calendar for information sessions: March 18: St. Henry beginning at 6:15 PM; March 26: St. Mary of the Assumption beginning at 5:45 PM; March 30: Our Lady of Good Hope following 10:00 AM Mass.


Fr. Martin Fox, Pastor​



Curious about the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's Beacons of Light process? 

Please join us

What’s next? Please join us for one of the below information session. There will be a lot of information about the process, timeline, and what will and won’t change. We are offering one at each our campuses, feel free to attend whichever is most convenient for you. We would love to see you there! 


St. Henry

Tuesday, March 18 | 6:15 PM

St. Mary of the Assumption

Wednesday, March 26 | 5:45 PM


Our Lady of Good Hope

Sunday, March 30 | 11:00 AM following the 10:00 AM Mass



JPII Logo - one color - white.png
Our Lady of Good Hope  | (937) 866-1432

Office Hours: M, TH, F | 10:00 am-3:00 pm 

W | 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


St. Mary of the Assumption |  (937) 557-1711

Office Hours: M-F | 8:30 am - 1:00 pm


St. Henry |  (937) 434-9231

Office Hours: M-F | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bishop Leibold School | 937-434-9343


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